batchPDF can easily batch convert all of your RTF and HTML files into PDF.
Just leave your .rtf and .html files in a folder and they would be converted to .pdf files with a simply click.
1.If you did not install a printer on your Mac or you do not want install one and you got a issue, please clicking the technical support button and drop us an email.
2.If you are running fresh installed OS10.10 and get no file convert, please drop us an email.
Whole-directory conversion in seconds;
Supports both RTF and HTML input formtas;
PDF file can be saved same folder or other folder;
Output (destination) folder opens automatically after conversion;
*Files with image inside are not guarantee converted in original page style
*Files other than RTF and HTML can be easily batch prepared using my other app "batchDOC"
Version history:
v1.80 -> v1.85
- handle cap letter suffix "RTF" and "HTML" as well;
- add feature request menu;
- add "more by dragonBTV" panel
v1.85 -> v1.88
- add support to suffix of .htm and .HTM besides of .htm and .HTML
- more compact interface
- change interface color to white
- dock menu added
- more detailed technical support email templet
- more detailed feature request email templet
- updated more by dragonBTV panel